Changes ======= .. currentmodule:: mortar_rdb 3.0.0 (7 Mar 2019) ------------------ - Drop support for the ancient SQLAlchemy extension mechanism. 2.2.1 (15 Aug 2016) ------------------- - Stop passwords showing in logging from :class:`~mortar_rdb.controlled.Scripts`. 2.2.0 (29 Oct 2015) ------------------- - More careful password masking. - Better support for using :class:`controlled.Scripts` as part of another script framework. 2.1.1 (4 Oct 2015) ------------------ - Deploy to PyPI using Travis. 2.1.0 (4 Oct 2015) ------------------ - Drop support for Python 2.6. - Add support for Python 3.4+. - Move to Read The Docs for documentation. - Move to virtualenv and nose for development. - Move to Travis CI and Coveralls for automated continuous testing. 2.0.0 (29 Oct 2013) ------------------- - Remove use of :mod:`sqlalchemy-migrate`, :mod:`alembic` is a better bet but not yet introduced. - Much work to better adhere to PEP 8, including renaming the major functions. 1.2.1 (30 Jun 2011) ------------------- - Add :mod:`setuptools_git` to the build chain so that :mod:`setuptools` `include_package_data` works once more. 1.2.0 (30 Jun 2011) ------------------- - Pass `None` as the default for `echo` rather than `False` on the advice of Daniel Holth. - When using :func:`~mortar_rdb.register_session`, allow explicit disabling of two-phase commit. - No longer log passwords during session registration. - Specify :mod:`sqlalchemy` 0.6 as a requirement, until :mod:`zope.sqlalchemy` is ported, :mod:`mortar_rdb` shouldn't be used with :mod:`sqlalchemy` 0.7. 1.1.0 (27 Feb 2011) ------------------- - Allow passing in :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.SessionExtension` instances to both :func:`~mortar_rdb.registerSession` functions. - Fixed a bug that resulted in an exception when passing ``echo=True`` to :func:`mortar_rdb.testing.registerSession` but not passing a ``url``. 1.0.1 (19 Feb 2011) ------------------- - Fixed a missing declaration of dependency on :mod:`zope.dottedname`. 1.0.0 (18 Feb 2011) ------------------- - Initial Release.